Rob Taylor, Director, Environment, Sustainability and Compliance at Lenovo

The publication of Lenovo’s 2019/20 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report marks ten years of continued improvement in Lenovo’s efforts to become more sustainable in its global operations. As Director of Environment, Sustainability and Compliance, I have led the execution team since we set our original goals in fiscal year 2009/10. We are proud to look back and acknowledge each incremental- and sometimes watershed- achievement. However, we fully acknowledge that even with what we’ve accomplished, we cannot stop pursuing more sustainable operations across the environmental, social, and governance aspects of our business.

Chart with Lenovo's overall sustainability indicators

The drive to constantly improve our environmental operations has led us to set new emissions reduction targets for 2030. In 2018, we began the process of vetting our 2030 targets to align with the latest climate science through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). (SBTi) is a widely recognized methodology to establish emission reduction goals. Like the 937 other companies already measuring their targets with SBTi, we know that real progress can only be made with collective effort across the private sector, underpinned by science and our growing understanding of global warming. After two years of hard work on behalf of my team, our emissions targets were approved this year by SBTi.

Lenovo's 2030 emission reduction targets

I am proud to note that for our first target of 50{93486410d65ab4c22f1925dba97444a1d889a389c7d5a800942ed0eabf5969fa} reduction in scope 1 & 2 emissions, our target contributes to limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, exceeding well-below 2 degrees Celsius minimum for SBTi approval.

We met and exceeded our 2020 targets through a combined effort of emissions reductions through energy efficiency projects, renewable energy installations in China and the US, and renewable energy commodities purchases that funded renewable energy projects (i.e. wind farms). With Lenovo’s innovation and support, we will once again work to not just meet, but exceed our 2030 emissions targets.

In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we’re celebrating our ESG advancements in charitable giving, our innovative packaging design, and our growing participation in the circular economy . All of our efforts underscore the need to embed sustainability and design for inclusion in order to improve our business and positively impact our customers’ experience. In 2020, the impacts of COVID-19 have taught us how connected and interdependent our global communities are. At Lenovo, we feel a great responsibility to ensure that our smarter technology delivers greater equity, sustainability, and access – for all.


Lenovo Tech World '22

Last year we entered the next reality. This year we're living it. Join the visionary virtual event on Oct. 18 and see how Lenovo's smarter technology is empowering people everywhere to change their world for the better..

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