Just as technology has advanced at warp speed over the past 10-15 years, so too has the role of Chief Information Officer (CIO). Where IT used to be strictly a “back office” service, today’s leading IT organizations have a seat at the strategy table, helping set the course for the future.

As a result, contemporary CIO’s needs a range of skills that go beyond technical knowledge. For example, the CIO needs to educate leaders and employees on how new technologies can support them in their jobs.

“The goal of the CIO shouldn’t be to put [advanced technologies] like AI on a pedestal,” says Art Hu, SVP and Lenovo Group CIO. “The goal is to demystify it and say, look, this is what it can actually do.”

In the latest episode of WIRED UK Briefings, journalist Nick Compton interviews Art about this and other aspects of the Evolving Role of the CIO. You can find the full interview here.

For more on demystifying IT and creating end-to-end services and solutions—with an Emmy-nominated comedian in the mix—tune into Lenovo’s Late Night IT program.


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